IT Outsourcing trends in 2022

The IT Outsourcing market is humongous and it is only expanding its horizon with time. IT Outsourcing markets are estimated to reach USD 680 Billion by 2027. The size of the market and its expansion trajectory profoundly translates to more and more businesses preparing to adapt to IT Outsourcing.

Organisations opt for IT Outsourcing for numerous reasons including but not limited to greater flexibility in infrastructure, the need for qualified talent, cost benefits and saving time. Despite being such a gigantic industry, IT Outsourcing is very agile.

Market trends keep on changing with every year passing by. If you are a business owner who outsources or plans to adapt IT Outsourcing to your business operations, then carry on reading to know the IT Outsourcing trends in 2022!

  1. The rise in demand for artificial intelligence and automation

    With every business being forced to be online with at least some part of its operation, AI and automation are highly in demand. Businesses are now more sensitive than ever to the insights and analytics that can be derived from data analysis with the help of AI.

    Besides this, automation saves large costs by replacing human resources with the repetitive basic tasks. When combined with AI, automation can perform really well at tasks like customer service and handling complaints

  2. Financial technology (FinTech) will be more in demand

    Easy payment solutions are an integral part of a smooth customer journey. For B2C businesses it is a de-facto to have easy online payment gateways integrated with their app or website which enables customers to pay easily with a card or other online options.

    B2B Businesses are also joining this bandwagon. A lot of B2B businesses are now moving to complete ERP system which has financial management capabilities like invoicing, reminders, and payment gateways.

  3. Cybersecurity professionals and expertise will be deemed as a necessity.

    Increasing online financial transactions and storage of precious data on the cloud will attract ample hackers and cyber attacks as well. No business would like to take a setback with data leaks or a financial online fraud.

    Thus every organisation will be seeking vetted cyber security professionals which can assure the highest level of security standards.

  4. 5G Network will be transformational for IoT related software

    5G connectivity is now a reality. IoT applications across a lot of industries like manufacturing, construction, logistics, and more will be now capable of doing things at light speed. No lags, no delays, real-time information processing, and real-time data analysis will come into existence with equally capable software.

    Nearly every single business will jump in to take the advantage of the revolutionary 5G technology and upgrade their hardware and software systems.

The above-mentioned trends are reckoned to stay in demand throughout this year and probably the next. There are also some more interesting technologies which are getting popular like edge computing, meta verse, AR and more but they are likely to gain more attention once they start getting implemented for more practical purposes.

Meanwhile, if you are looking for a perfect IT Outsourcing partner then feel free to contact us. Do check out our other BPO services as well.

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