How to Implement Technology into Your Company Smoothly


For companies of all shapes and sizes, growth is critical. Regardless if you’re the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or have started your own small business from the ground up, growth should be an inherent part of your business strategy. Core to growth are things like improving performance and boosting overall efficiency. Through the implementation of new and innovative technologies, you can dramatically spur this growth.

That said, introducing new tools and practices to your company as a whole isn’t necessarily easy. If done improperly, it can end up doing more harm than good, especially when your team doesn’t fully understand the details. On the other hand, pulling the implementation process off means bringing in a new wave of company growth that may not have occurred otherwise.

Analyze Your Technological Needs

Are you struggling to maintain your company’s efficiency using outdated systems and practices? It might be time for an upgrade from the cluttered Excel spreadsheets and buggy software systems. Before you make a move to introduce new systems into your company process, it is crucial that you first understand your company’s needs. Introducing tech that doesn’t mesh well with your company’s demand can end up causing a lot of confusion. The most common kind of software that companies implement is enterprise Resource Planning Software (ERP).

ERP software includes a whole suite of modules that streamline processes that otherwise would be quite time-consuming. There is also the bonus, that ERP software helps prevent avoidable processing errors. ERP software can include anything from automated quoting systems and supply chain management to managing payroll and taking care of other financing tasks.

That said, ERP software is increasingly diverse, and just like people, every company is different. So, it is essential that you find the piece of software that best meets your company’s unique needs. By first analysing what kind of technology your company would benefit from, you can make the transition process smooth and easy.

Be Transparent in the Process

Do you have performance-boosting systems in mind but are struggling to get your team on board? Transparency is the answer. From start to finish you should be open with your team about the whole implementation process. This means being clear about what you hope to accomplish with this new technology and how their jobs and daily tasks might change. It would help if you also kept them in the know about what the transitionary period will look like and the tools they can use to make the transition easier on them.

Being transparent with your staff can reduce friction in the workspace, and in the long-run serve to dramatically benefit your company. When employers are transparent, employees often feel like an included and integral part of the company, and will likely share an increased enthusiasm and commitment to the work that they put in.


Personalize the Learning Experience

Are you encountering roadblocks when trying to get every member of your team up to speed? If so, you might benefit from personalizing your training experience to better fit individuals in your team. After you’ve introduced new technology into your company comes the second largest hurdle, transfer of knowledge. Teaching your team how to become more effective and productive using this technology can be somewhat challenging and can hold off a high return on investment or ROI, in the short term.

Give them a step by step process of how these new software tools will change their day-to-day work, and stress to them that these tools are meant to not just benefit the company as a whole, but their work process. By framing new technology in such a way, you can build enthusiasm around this transitionary period and the software solutions that you are introducing.

Evaluate for Success

After you’ve successfully introduced new tech into your company’s daily workflow, it helps to take a step back and re-access. Technology is constantly advancing, and with it so is business technology. While implementing new technology can be a challenge, you shouldn’t stand still after you’ve done it. Capitalise on that momentum and keep moving forward. It may also help to re-evaluate how the new software you’ve implemented affects your company. In some cases, it might be worthwhile to scale back and try a different piece of ERP software.

Regardless of what technology you introduce into your company, it is clear to see that the benefits far outweigh the risks. While it may be challenging at first, new software can give you an edge against the competition and help you and your company take a positive step into the future.

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